14. Dependency Expression Grammar

14.1. Dependency Expression Grammar

This topic contains an example BNF grammar for a PEIM dependency expression compiler that converts a dependency expression source file into a dependency section of a PEIM stored in a firmware volume.

14.1.1. Example Dependency Expression BNF Grammar

<depex>                 ::= <bool>
<bool>                  ::= <bool> AND <term>
                                  | <bool> OR <term>
                                  | <term>
<term>                  ::= NOT <factor>
                                  | <factor>
<factor>                ::= <bool>
                                  | TRUE
                                  | FALSE
                                  | GUID
                                  | END
<guid>                  ::= ‘{‘ <hex32> ‘,’ <hex16> ‘,’ <hex16> ‘,’
                                        <hex8> ‘,’ <hex8> ‘,’ <hex8> ‘,’ <hex8> ‘,’
                                        <hex8> ‘,’ <hex8> ‘,’ <hex8> ‘,’ <hex8> ’}’
<hex32>                 ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
<hex16>                 ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
<hex8>                  ::= <hexprefix> <hexvalue>
<hexprefix>     ::= ‘0’ ‘x’
                          | ‘0’ ‘X’
<hexvalue>      ::= <hexdigit> <hexvalue>
                          | <hexdigit>
<hexdigit>      ::= [0-9]
                          | [a-f]
                      | [A-F]

14.1.2. Sample Dependency Expressions

The following contains three examples of source statements using the BNF grammar from above along with the opcodes, operands, and binary encoding that a dependency expression compiler would generate from these source statements.

// Source

// Opcodes, Operands, and Binary Encoding
ADDR    BINARY                                  MNEMONIC
====    ======================= =======================
0x00 :  02                                              PUSH
0x01 :  26 25 73 b0 c8 38 40 4b EFI_PEI_CPU_IO_PPI_GUID
                88 77 61 c7 b0 6a ac 45
0x11 :  02                                              PUSH
0x12 :  b1 cc ba 26 42 6f d4 11
                bc e7 00 80 c7 3c 88 81
0x22 :  03                                              AND
0x23 :  08                                              END