20. ACPI Machine Language (AML) Specification
This chapter formally defines the ACPI Machine Language (AML), which is the virtual machine language for ACPI control methods on an ACPI-compatible OS. ACPI control methods can be written directly in AML, but people usually write them in ASL and then compile to AML.
AML is the language processed by the ACPI AML interpreter. It is primarily a declarative language. It’s best not to think of it as a stream of code, but rather as a set of declarations that the ACPI AML interpreter will compile into the ACPI Namespace at definition block load time. For example, notice that DefByte allocates an anonymous integer variable with a byte-size initial value in ACPI namespace, and passes in an initial value. The byte in the AML stream that defines the initial value is not the address of the variable’s storage location.
An OEM or platform firmware vendor needs to write ASL and be able to single-step AML for debugging. (Debuggers and other ACPI control method language tools are expected to be AML-level tools, not source-level tools.) An ASL translator implementer must understand how to read ASL and generate AML. An AML interpreter author must understand how to execute AML.
AML and ASL are different languages, though they are closely related.
All ACPI-compatible operating systems must support AML. A given user can define some arbitrary source language (to replace ASL) and write a tool to translate it to AML. However, the ACPI group will support a single translator for a single language, ASL.
20.1. Notation Conventions
The notation conventions in the table below help the reader to interpret the AML formal grammar.
Notation Convention |
Description |
Example |
0xdd |
Refers to a byte value expressed as 2 hexadecimal digits. |
0x21 |
Number in bold. |
Denotes the encoding of the AML term. |
Term => Evaluated Type |
Shows the resulting type of the evaluation of Term. |
Single quotes (’ ‘) |
Indicate constant characters. |
‘A’ => 0x41 |
Term := Term Term … |
The term to the left of := can be expanded into the sequence of terms on the right. |
aterm := bterm cterm means that aterm can be expanded into the two-term sequence of bterm followed by cterm. |
Term Term Term … |
Terms separated from each other by spaces form an ordered list. |
Angle brackets (< > ) |
used to group items. |
<a b> | <c d> means either a b or c d. |
Bar symbol ( | ) |
Separates alternatives. |
aterm := bterm | [cterm dterm] means the following constructs are possible:
bterm cterm dterm
aterm := [bterm | cterm] dterm means the following constructs are possible:
bterm dterm cterm dterm
Dash character ( - ) |
Indicates a range. |
1-9 means a single digit in the range 1 to 9 inclusive. |
Parenthesized term following another term. |
The parenthesized term is the repeat count of the previous term. |
aterm(3) means aterm aterm aterm. bterm(n) means n number of bterms. |
20.2. AML Grammar Definition
This section defines the byte values that make up an AML byte stream.
The AML encoding can be categorized into the following groups:
Table and Table Header encoding
Name objects encoding
Data objects encoding
Package length encoding
Term objects encoding
Miscellaneous objects encoding
20.2.1. Table and Table Header Encoding
- AMLCode
- DefBlockHeader :=
TableSignature TableLength SpecCompliance CheckSum OemID OemTableID OemRevision CreatorID CreatorRevision
- TableSignature :=
DWordData // As defined in section 5.2.3.
- TableLength :=
DWordData // Length of the table in bytes including the block header.
- SpecCompliance :=
ByteData // The revision of the structure.
- CheckSum :=
ByteData // Byte checksum of the entire table.
- OemID :=
ByteData(6) // OEM ID of up to 6 characters. If the OEM ID is shorter than 6 characters,it can be terminated with a NULL character.
- OemTableID :=
ByteData(8) // OEM Table ID of up to 8 characters. If the OEM Table ID is shorter than 8 characters,it can be terminated with a NULL character.
- OemRevision :=
DWordData // OEM Table Revision.
- CreatorID :=
DWordData // Vendor ID of the ASL compiler.
- CreatorRevision :=
DWordData // Revision of the ASL compiler.
20.2.2. Name Objects Encoding
LeadNameChar := ‘A’-‘Z’ | ‘_’
DigitChar := ‘0’ - ‘9’
NameChar := DigitChar | LeadNameChar
RootChar := ‘'
ParentPrefixChar := ‘^’
‘A’-‘Z’ := 0x41 - 0x5A
‘_’ := 0x5F
‘0’-‘9’ := 0x30 - 0x39
‘' := 0x5C
‘^’ := 0x5E
- NameSeg :=
// Notice that NameSegs shorter than 4 characters are filled with trailing underscores (‘_’s).
NameString := <rootchar namepath> | <prefixpath namepath>
PrefixPath := Nothing | <’^’ prefixpath>
NamePath := NameSeg | DualNamePath | MultiNamePath | NullName
DualNamePath := DualNamePrefix NameSeg NameSeg
DualNamePrefix := 0x2E
MultiNamePath := MultiNamePrefix SegCount NameSeg(SegCount)
MultiNamePrefix := 0x2F
- SegCount := ByteData
// SegCount can be from 1 to 255. For example: MultiNamePrefix(35) is// encoded as 0x2f 0x23 and followed by 35 NameSegs. So, the total// encoding length will be 1 + 1 + 35*4 = 142. Notice that:// DualNamePrefix NameSeg NameSeg has a smaller encoding than the// encoding of: MultiNamePrefix(2) NameSeg NameSeg
SimpleName := NameString | ArgObj | LocalObj
SuperName := SimpleName | DebugObj | ReferenceTypeOpcode
NullName := 0x00
20.2.3. Data Objects Encoding
ComputationalData := ByteConst | WordConst | DWordConst | QWordConst | String | ConstObj | RevisionOp | DefBuffer
DataObject := ComputationalData | DefPackage | DefVarPackage
DataRefObject := DataObject | ObjectReference
ByteConst := BytePrefix ByteData
BytePrefix := 0x0A
WordConst := WordPrefix WordData
WordPrefix := 0x0B
DWordConst := DWordPrefix DWordData
DWordPrefix := 0x0C
QWordConst := QWordPrefix QWordData
QWordPrefix := 0x0E
String := StringPrefix AsciiCharList NullChar
StringPrefix := 0x0D
ByteData := 0x00 - 0xFF
- WordData := ByteData[0:7] ByteData[8:15]
// 0x0000-0xFFFF
- DWordData := WordData[0:15] WordData[16:31]
// 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF
- QWordData := DWordData[0:31] DWordData[32:63]
// 0x0000000000000000-0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
AsciiCharList := Nothing | <asciichar asciicharlist>
AsciiChar := 0x01 - 0x7F
NullChar := 0x00
ZeroOp := 0x00
OneOp := 0x01
OnesOp := 0xFF
RevisionOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x30
ExtOpPrefix := 0x5B
20.2.4. Package Length Encoding
- PkgLength :=
- PkgLeadByte :=
<bit 7-6: bytedata count that follows (0-3)><bit 5-4: only used if pkglength <= 63><bit 3-0: least significant package length nybble>
The high 2 bits of the first byte reveal how many follow bytes are in the PkgLength. If the PkgLength has only one byte, bit 0 through 5 are used to encode the package length (in other words, values 0-63). If the package length value is more than 63, more than one byte must be used for the encoding in which case bit 4 and 5 of the PkgLeadByte are reserved and must be zero. If the multiple bytes encoding is used, bits 0-3 of the PkgLeadByte become the least significant 4 bits of the resulting package length value. The next ByteData will become the next least significant 8 bits of the resulting value and so on, up to 3 ByteData bytes. Thus, the maximum package length is 2*28.
20.2.5. Term Objects Encoding
Object := NameSpaceModifierObj | NamedObj
TermObj := Object | StatementOpcode | ExpressionOpcode
TermArg := ExpressionOpcode | DataObject | ArgObj | LocalObj
MethodInvocation := NameString TermArgList
TermArgList := Nothing | <termarg termarglist> Namespace Modifier Objects Encoding
DefAlias := AliasOp NameString NameString
AliasOp := 0x06
DefName := NameOp NameString DataRefObject
NameOp := 0x08
DefScope := ScopeOp PkgLength NameString TermList
ScopeOp := 0x10 Named Objects Encoding
- DefBankField :=
BankFieldOp PkgLength NameString NameString BankValue FieldFlags FieldList
- BankFieldOp :=
ExtOpPrefix 0x87
- BankValue :=
TermArg => Integer
- FieldFlags :=
ByteData // bit 0-3: AccessType// 0 AnyAcc// 1 ByteAcc// 2 WordAcc// 3 DWordAcc// 4 QWordAcc// 5 BufferAcc// 6 Reserved// 7-15 Reserved// bit 4: LockRule// 0 NoLock// 1 Lock// bit 5-6: UpdateRule// 0 Preserve// 1 WriteAsOnes// 2 WriteAsZeros// bit 7: Reserved (must be 0)
FieldList := Nothing | <fieldelement fieldlist>
ReservedField := 0x00 PkgLength
- AccessField :=
0x01 AccessType AccessAttrib
- AccessType :=
- ByteData // Bits 0:3 - Same as AccessType bits of FieldFlags.// Bits 4:5 - Reserved// Bits 7:6 - 0 = AccessAttrib = Normal Access Attributes// 1 = AccessAttrib = AttribBytes (x)// 2 = AccessAttrib = AttribRawBytes (x)// 3 = AccessAttrib = AttribRawProcessBytes (x)//// x’ is encoded as bits 0:7 of the AccessAttrib byte.
- AccessAttrib :=
ByteData // If AccessType is BufferAcc for the SMB or// GPIO OpRegions, AccessAttrib can be one of// the following values:// 0x02 AttribQuick// 0x04 AttribSendReceive// 0x06 AttribByte// 0x08 AttribWord// 0x0A AttribBlock// 0x0C Attrib ProcessCall// 0x0D AttribBlockProcessCall
- ConnectField :=
<0x02 NameString> | <0x02 BufferData
- DefCreateBitField :=
CreateBitFieldOp := 0x8D
- BitIndex :=
TermArg => Integer
- DefCreateByteField :=
CreateByteFieldOp := 0x8C
- ByteIndex :=
TermArg => Integer
- DefCreateDWordField :=
CreateDWordFieldOp := 0x8A
- DefCreateField :=
- CreateFieldOp :=
ExtOpPrefix 0x13
- NumBits :=
TermArg => Integer
- DefCreateQWordField :=
CreateQWordFieldOp := 0x8F
DefCreateWordField := CreateWordFieldOp SourceBuff ByteIndex NameString
CreateWordFieldOp := 0x8B
DefDataRegion := DataRegionOp NameString TermArg TermArg TermArg
DataRegionOp := ExOpPrefix 0x88
DefDevice := DeviceOp PkgLength NameString TermList
DeviceOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x82
DefEvent := EventOp NameString
EventOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x02
DefExternal := ExternalOp NameString ObjectType ArgumentCount
ExternalOp := 0x15
ObjectType := ByteData
ArgumentCount := ByteData (0 - 7)
DefField := FieldOp PkgLength NameString FieldFlags FieldList
FieldOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x81
DefIndexField := IndexFieldOp PkgLength NameString NameString FieldFlags FieldList
IndexFieldOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x86
DefMethod := MethodOp PkgLength NameString MethodFlags TermList
MethodOp := 0x14
- MethodFlags :=
ByteData // bit 0-2: ArgCount (0-7)// bit 3: SerializeFlag// 0 NotSerialized// 1 Serialized// bit 4-7: SyncLevel (0x00-0x0f)
DefMutex := MutexOp NameString SyncFlags
MutexOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x01
SyncFlags := ByteData // bits 0-3: SyncLevel (0x00-0x0f), bits 4-7: Reserved (must be 0)
DefOpRegion := OpRegionOp NameString RegionSpace RegionOffset RegionLen
OpRegionOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x80
- RegionSpace :=
ByteData // 0x00 SystemMemory// 0x01 SystemIO// 0x02 PCI_Config// 0x03 EmbeddedControl// 0x04 SMBus// 0x05 System CMOS// 0x06 PciBarTarget// 0x07 IPMI// 0x08 GeneralPurposeIO// 0x09 GenericSerialBus// 0x0A PCC// 0x80-0xFF: OEM Defined
RegionOffset := TermArg => Integer
RegionLen := TermArg => Integer
DefPowerRes := PowerResOp PkgLength NameString SystemLevel ResourceOrder TermList
PowerResOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x84
SystemLevel := ByteData
ResourceOrder := WordData
ProcID := ByteData
PblkAddr := DWordData
PblkLen := ByteData
DefThermalZone := ThermalZoneOp PkgLength NameString TermList
ThermalZoneOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x85
ExtendedAccessField := 0x03 AccessType ExtendedAccessAttrib AccessLength
- ExtendedAccessAttrib :=
ByteData // 0x0B AttribBytes, 0x0E AttribRawBytes, 0x0F AttribRawProcess
FieldElement := NamedField | ReservedField | AccessField | ExtendedAccessField | ConnectField Statement Opcodes Encoding
- StatementOpcode :=
DefBreak | DefBreakPoint | DefContinue | DefFatal | DefIfElse | DefNoop | DefNotify | DefRelease | DefReset | DefReturn | DefSignal | DefSleep | DefStall | DefWhile
DefBreak := BreakOp
BreakOp := 0xA5
DefBreakPoint := BreakPointOp
BreakPointOp := 0xCC
DefContinue := ContinueOp
ContinueOp := 0x9F
ElseOp := 0xA1
FatalOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x32
FatalType := ByteData
FatalCode := DWordData
FatalArg := TermArg => Integer
IfOp := 0xA0
Predicate := TermArg => Integer
DefNoop := NoopOp
NoopOp := 0xA3
DefNotify := NotifyOp NotifyObject NotifyValue
NotifyOp := 0x86
NotifyObject := SuperName => ThermalZone | Processor | Device
NotifyValue := TermArg => Integer
DefRelease := ReleaseOp MutexObject
ReleaseOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x27
MutexObject := SuperName
DefReset := ResetOp EventObject
ResetOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x26
EventObject := SuperName
ReturnOp := 0xA4
ArgObject := TermArg => DataRefObject
DefSignal := SignalOp EventObject
SignalOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x24
SleepOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x22
MsecTime := TermArg => Integer
StallOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x21
WhileOp := 0xA2 Expression Opcodes Encoding
- ExpressionOpcode :=
DefAcquire | DefAdd | DefAnd | DefBuffer | DefConcat | DefConcatRes | DefCondRefOf | DefCopyObject | DefDecrement | DefDerefOf | DefDivide | DefFindSetLeftBit | DefFindSetRightBit | DefFromBCD | DefIncrement | DefIndex | DefLAnd | DefLEqual | DefLGreater | DefLGreaterEqual | DefLLess | DefLLessEqual | DefMid | DefLNot | DefLNotEqual | DefLoadTable | DefLOr | DefMatch | DefMod | DefMultiply | DefNAnd | DefNOr | DefNot | DefObjectType | DefOr | DefPackage | DefVarPackage | DefRefOf | DefShiftLeft | DefShiftRight | DefSizeOf | DefStore | DefSubtract | DefTimer | DefToBCD | DefToBuffer | DefToDecimalString | DefToHexString | DefToInteger | DefToString | DefWait | DefXOr | MethodInvocation
ReferenceTypeOpcode := DefRefOf | DefDerefOf | DefIndex | UserTermObj
DefAcquire := AcquireOp MutexObject Timeout
AcquireOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x23
Timeout := WordData
AddOp := 0x72
Operand := TermArg => Integer
AndOp := 0x7B
DefBuffer := BufferOp PkgLength BufferSize ByteList
BufferOp := 0x11
BufferSize := TermArg => Integer
ConcatOp := 0x73
Data := TermArg => ComputationalData
DefConcatRes := ConcatResOp BufData BufData Target
ConcatResOp := 0x84
DefCondRefOf := CondRefOfOp SuperName Target
CondRefOfOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x12
DefCopyObject := CopyObjectOp TermArg SimpleName
CopyObjectOp := 0x9D
DefDecrement := DecrementOp SuperName
DecrementOp := 0x76
DefDerefOf := DerefOfOp ObjReference
DerefOfOp := 0x83
ObjReference := TermArg => ObjectReference | String
DivideOp := 0x78
Dividend := TermArg => Integer
Divisor := TermArg => Integer
Remainder := Target
Quotient := Target
DefFindSetLeftBit := FindSetLeftBitOp Operand Target
FindSetLeftBitOp := 0x81
DefFindSetRightBit := FindSetRightBitOp Operand Target
FindSetRightBitOp := 0x82
FromBCDOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x28
BCDValue := TermArg => Integer
DefIncrement := IncrementOp SuperName
IncrementOp := 0x75
DefIndex := IndexOp BuffPkgStrObj IndexValue Target
IndexOp := 0x88
IndexValue := TermArg => Integer
LandOp := 0x90
LequalOp := 0x93
DefLGreater := LgreaterOp Operand Operand
LgreaterOp := 0x94
DefLGreaterEqual := LgreaterEqualOp Operand Operand
LlessOp := 0x95
DefLLessEqual := LlessEqualOp Operand Operand
LlessEqualOp := LnotOp LgreaterOp
LnotOp := 0x92
DefLNotEqual := LnotEqualOp Operand Operand
DefLoad := LoadOp NameString Target
LoadOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x20
LoadTableOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x1F
LorOp := 0x91
DefMatch := MatchOp SearchPkg MatchOpcode Operand MatchOpcode Operand StartIndex
MatchOp := 0x89
SearchPkg := TermArg => Package
- MatchOpcode :=
ByteData // 0 MTR// 1 MEQ// 2 MLE// 3 MLT// 4 MGE// 5 MGT
StartIndex := TermArg => Integer
MidOp := 0x9E
ModOp := 0x85
DefMultiply := MultiplyOp Operand Operand Target
MultiplyOp := 0x77
NandOp := 0x7C
NorOp := 0x7E
NotOp := 0x80
DefObjectType := ObjectTypeOp <SimpleName | DebugObj | DefRefOf | DefDerefOf | DefIndex>
ObjectTypeOp := 0x8E
OrOp := 0x7D
DefPackage := PackageOp PkgLength NumElements PackageElementList
PackageOp := 0x12
DefVarPackage := VarPackageOp PkgLength VarNumElements PackageElementList
VarPackageOp := 0x13
NumElements := ByteData
VarNumElements := TermArg => Integer
PackageElementList := Nothing | <packageelement packageelementlist>
PackageElement := DataRefObject | NameString
RefOfOp := 0x71
DefShiftLeft := ShiftLeftOp Operand ShiftCount Target
ShiftLeftOp := 0x79
ShiftCount := TermArg => Integer
DefShiftRight := ShiftRightOp Operand ShiftCount Target
ShiftRightOp := 0x7A
SizeOfOp := 0x87
StoreOp := 0x70
DefSubtract := SubtractOp Operand Operand Target
SubtractOp := 0x74
DefTimer := TimerOp
TimerOp := 0x5B 0x33
ToBCDOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x29
DefToBuffer := ToBufferOp Operand Target
ToBufferOp := 0x96
DefToDecimalString := ToDecimalStringOp Operand Target
ToDecimalStringOp := 0x97
DefToHexString := ToHexStringOp Operand Target
ToHexStringOp := 0x98
DefToInteger := ToIntegerOp Operand Target
ToIntegerOp := 0x99
DefToString := ToStringOp TermArg LengthArg Target
LengthArg := TermArg => Integer
ToStringOp := 0x9C
DefWait := WaitOp EventObject Operand
WaitOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x25
XorOp := 0x7F
20.2.6. Miscellaneous Objects Encoding
Miscellaneous objects include:
Arg objects
Local objects
Debug objects Arg Objects Encoding
ArgObj := Arg0Op | Arg1Op | Arg2Op | Arg3Op | Arg4Op | Arg5Op | Arg6Op
Arg0Op := 0x68
Arg1Op := 0x69
Arg2Op := 0x6A
Arg3Op := 0x6B
Arg4Op := 0x6C
Arg5Op := 0x6D
Arg6Op := 0x6E Local Objects Encoding
LocalObj := Local0Op | Local1Op | Local2Op | Local3Op | Local4Op | Local5Op | Local6Op | Local7Op
Local0Op := 0x60
Local1Op := 0x61
Local2Op := 0x62
Local3Op := 0x63
Local4Op := 0x64
Local5Op := 0x65
Local6Op := 0x66
Local7Op := 0x67 Debug Objects Encoding
DebugObj := DebugOp
DebugOp := ExtOpPrefix 0x31
20.3. AML Byte Stream Byte Values
The following table lists all byte values that can be found in an AML byte stream, and the meaning of each byte value. This table is useful for debugging AML code.
Encoding Value |
Encoding Name |
Encoding Group |
Fixed List Arguments |
Variable List Arguments |
0x00 |
ZeroOp |
Data Object |
— |
— |
0x01 |
OneOp |
Data Object |
— |
— |
0x02-0x05 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x06 |
AliasOp |
Term Object |
NameString NameString |
— |
0x07 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x08 |
NameOp |
Term Object |
NameString DataRefObject |
— |
0x09 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x0A |
BytePrefix |
Data Object |
ByteData |
— |
0x0B |
WordPrefix |
Data Object |
WordData |
— |
0x0C |
DWordPrefix |
Data Object |
DWordData |
— |
0x0D |
StringPrefix |
Data Object |
AsciiCharList NullChar |
— |
0x0E |
QWordPrefix |
Data Object |
QWordData |
— |
0x0F |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x10 |
ScopeOp |
Term Object |
NameString |
TermList |
0x11 |
BufferOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
ByteList |
0x12 |
PackageOp |
Term Object |
ByteData |
Package TermList |
0x13 |
VarPackageOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
Package TermList |
0x14 |
MethodOp |
Term Object |
NameString ByteData |
TermList |
0x15 |
ExternalOp |
Name Object |
NameString ByteData ByteData |
— |
0x16-0x2D |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x2E (‘.’) |
DualNamePrefix |
Name Object |
NameSeg NameSeg |
— |
0x2F (‘/’) |
MultiNamePrefix |
Name Object |
ByteData NameSeg(N) |
— |
0x30-0x39 (‘0’-‘9’) |
DigitChar |
Name Object |
— |
— |
0x3A-0x40 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x41-0x5A (‘A’-‘Z’) |
NameChar |
Name Object |
— |
— |
0x5B (‘[‘) |
ExtOpPrefix |
— |
ByteData |
— |
0x5B 0x00 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x5B 0x01 |
MutexOp |
Term Object |
NameString ByteData |
— |
0x5B 0x02 |
EventOp |
Term Object |
NameString |
— |
0x5B 0x12 |
CondRefOfOp |
Term Object |
SuperName SuperName |
— |
0x5B 0x13 |
CreateFieldOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg TermArg NameString |
— |
0x5B 0x1F |
LoadTableOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg TermArg TermArg TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x5B 0x20 |
LoadOp |
Term Object |
NameString SuperName |
— |
0x5B 0x21 |
StallOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
— |
0x5B 0x22 |
SleepOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
— |
0x5B 0x23 |
AcquireOp |
Term Object |
SuperName WordData |
— |
0x5B 0x24 |
SignalOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x5B 0x25 |
WaitOp |
Term Object |
SuperName TermArg |
— |
0x5B 0x26 |
ResetOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x5B 0x27 |
ReleaseOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x5B 0x28 |
FromBCDOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x5B 0x29 |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x5B 0x2A |
Reserved |
— |
— |
— |
0x5B 0x30 |
RevisionOp |
Data Object |
— |
— |
0x5B 0x31 |
DebugOp |
Debug Object |
— |
— |
0x5B 0x32 |
FatalOp |
Term Object |
ByteData DWordData TermArg |
— |
0x5B 0x33 |
TimerOp |
Term Object |
— |
— |
0x5B 0x80 |
OpRegionOp |
Term Object |
NameString ByteData TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x5B 0x81 |
FieldOp |
Term Object |
NameString ByteData |
FieldList |
0x5B 0x82 |
DeviceOp |
Term Object |
NameString |
TermList |
0x5B 0x83 |
Permanently Reserved |
— |
Use of this opcode for ProcessorOp was deprecated in ACPI 6.4, and is not to be reused. |
— |
0x5B 0x84 |
PowerResOp |
Term Object |
NameString ByteData WordData |
TermList |
0x5B 0x85 |
ThermalZoneOp |
Term Object |
NameString |
TermList |
0x5B 0x86 |
IndexFieldOp |
Term Object |
NameString NameString ByteData |
FieldList |
0x5B 0x87 |
BankFieldOp |
Term Object |
NameString NameString TermArg ByteData |
FieldList |
0x5B 0x88 |
DataRegionOp |
Term Object |
NameString TermArg TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x5B 0x80 - 0x5B 0xFF |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x5C (’\’) |
RootChar |
Name Object |
— |
— |
0x5D |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x5E (‘^’) |
ParentPrefixChar |
Name Object |
— |
— |
0x5F(’_’) |
NameChar— |
Name Object |
— |
— |
0x60 (’`’) |
Local0Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x61 (‘a’) |
Local1Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x62 (‘b’) |
Local2Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x63 (‘c’) |
Local3Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x64 (‘d’) |
Local4Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x65 (‘e’) |
Local5Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x66 (‘f’) |
Local6Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x67 (‘g’) |
Local7Op |
Local Object |
— |
— |
0x68 (‘h’) |
Arg0Op |
Arg Object |
— |
— |
0x69 (‘i’) |
Arg1Op |
Arg Object |
— |
— |
0x6A (‘j’) |
Arg2Op |
Arg Object |
— |
— |
0x6B (‘k’) |
Arg3Op |
Arg Object |
— |
— |
0x6C (‘l’) |
Arg4Op |
Arg Object |
— |
— |
0x6D (‘m’) |
Arg5Op |
Arg Object |
— |
— |
0x6E (‘n’) |
Arg6Op |
Arg Object |
— |
— |
0x6F |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x70 |
StoreOp |
Term Object |
TermArg SuperName |
— |
0x71 |
RefOfOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x72 |
AddOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x73 |
ConcatOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x74 |
SubtractOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x75 |
IncrementOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x76 |
DecrementOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x77 |
MultiplyOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x78 |
DivideOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target Target |
— |
0x79 |
ShiftLeftOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x7A |
ShiftRightOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x7B |
AndOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x7C |
NandOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x7D |
OrOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x7E |
NorOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x7F |
XorOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x80 |
NotOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x81 |
FindSetLeftBitOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x82 |
FindSetRightBitOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x83 |
DerefOfOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
— |
0x84 |
ConcatResOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x85 |
ModOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x86 |
NotifyOp |
Term Object |
SuperName TermArg |
— |
0x87 |
SizeOfOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x88 |
IndexOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x89 |
MatchOp |
Term Object |
TermArg ByteData TermArg ByteData TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x8A |
CreateDWordFieldOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg NameString |
— |
0x8B |
CreateWordFieldOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg NameString |
— |
0x8C |
CreateByteFieldOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg NameString |
— |
0x8D |
CreateBitFieldOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg NameString |
— |
0x8E |
ObjectTypeOp |
Term Object |
SuperName |
— |
0x8F |
CreateQWordFieldOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg NameString |
— |
0x90 |
LandOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x91 |
LorOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x92 |
LnotOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
— |
0x92 0x93 |
LNotEqualOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x92 0x94 |
LLessEqualOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x92 0x95 |
LGreaterEqualOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x93 |
LEqualOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x94 |
LGreaterOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x95 |
LLessOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg |
— |
0x96 |
ToBufferOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x97 |
ToDecimalStringOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x98 |
ToHexStringOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x99 |
ToIntegerOp |
Term Object |
TermArg Target |
— |
0x9A-0x9B |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0x9C |
ToStringOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x9D |
CopyObjectOp |
Term Object |
TermArg SimpleName |
— |
0x9E |
MidOp |
Term Object |
TermArg TermArg TermArg Target |
— |
0x9F |
ContinueOp |
Term Object |
— |
— |
0xA0 |
IfOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
TermList |
0xA1 |
ElseOp |
Term Object |
— |
TermList |
0xA2 |
WhileOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
TermList |
0xA3 |
NoopOp |
Term Object |
— |
— |
0xA4 |
ReturnOp |
Term Object |
TermArg |
— |
0xA5 |
BreakOp |
Term Object |
— |
— |
0xA6-0xCB |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0xCC |
BreakPointOp |
Term Object |
— |
— |
0xCD-0xFE |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0xFF |
OnesOp |
Data Object |
— |
— |
20.4. AML Encoding of Names in the Namespace
Assume the following namespace exists:
Assume further that a definition block is loaded that creates a node \S0.CPU.SET, and loads a block using it as a root. Assume the loaded block contains the following names:
Scope(\S0.CPU.SET.STP1) {
This will be encoded in AML as:
ParentPrefixChar 'GET_'
ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar 'PCI0'
ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar DualNamePrefix 'PCI0' 'SBS_'
RootChar 'S2__'
RootChar MultiNamePrefix 3 'S2__' 'ISA_' 'COM1'
ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar 'S3__'
ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar DualNamePrefix 'S2__' 'MEM_'
ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar ParentPrefixChar MultiNamePrefix 3 'S2__' 'MEM_' 'SET_'
After the block is loaded, the namespace will look like this (names added to the namespace by the loading operation are shown in bold):